f Privacy

Privacy Policy

The last update to our Privacy Policy was posted on January 6, 2014. This Privacy Policy governs the privacy terms of our Website, www.go-jewellery.com, as owned and operated by Go World Limited (Go World), a company registered in England & Wales under business number 07393841.


"Non-Personal Information" (NPI) is information that is not personally identifiable to you and we automatically collect when you access our Website with a web browser.

"Personally Identifiable Information" (PII) is non-public information that is personally identifiable to you and obtained in order for us to provide you with products and services. PII may include information such as your name, address, phone number, corporate information, credit card information, test score, and other related information that you provide to us or that we obtain about you.

The terms “us” or “we” or “our” refers to Go World, the owner of this Website.

A “Visitor” is someone that merely browses our Website.

A “Customer” is someone who makes purchases of our Products through our Website.

A “User” is a collective identifier that refers to either a Visitor or a Customer.

All text, information, graphics, audio, video, and data offered through our Website, whether free to all or part of a paid service, whether originating from us or from our Users, are collectively known as our “Content”. We may also refer to any Content uploaded by our Customers as “Customer Content”.

Overview of Our Website

Go World offers an online e-commerce site for purchasing custom-made jewellery (Products). Our Privacy Policy relates to the information that you will share with us by using our Website and purchasing our Products.

Overview of Our Users

There are two types of customers that interact with us and have the following definitions in this Privacy Policy: Visitors are Users who navigate to our Website to get more information about our Products or to find out more about Go World. Customers are Users who have completed our registration process to purchase our Products.

Depending on your particular interaction with us, different portions of this Privacy Policy may apply to you at different times.

Our Commitment to Your Privacy

This Privacy Policy tells you what PII we may collect from you, how we may share this information, and how you can limit our sharing of your information.

Go World is committed to the security and privacy of all our clients. We take your privacy seriously, and we will work with you to ensure that you have an enjoyable shopping experience, but that you do so in a safe and secure online environment.

Go World and its affiliates are committed to respecting your privacy and recognize the need for appropriate protection and management of your PII you share with us.

Links to Other Websites

Our Website may contain links to other websites. You understand that these websites are not under our control and are not subject to our Privacy Policy. These websites will likely have their own privacy policies. We have no responsibility for these websites and provide links to these websites solely for your convenience. You acknowledge that your use and access of these websites is solely at your own risk. It is your responsibility to check the privacy policies and other legal documents of these websites to see how they treat your personal information.

What Information We May Collect

There is no need to reveal or provide any PII when you visit our Website. You can browse our Website to find out more about Go World and what we do. As you do so, we may receive and store certain types of NPI as you interact with our Website. We may also analyze this NPI for trends and statistics as to how people use our Website. Unless you voluntarily provide PII to us, you remain anonymous.

We may also receive and store certain PII that our visitors enter when visiting our Website or provide to us in other ways. For instance, we collect the information you provide to us when you place an order, register with us, send an email or call us, enter a sweepstakes or contest, subscribe to a service, enroll in a club, request to receive a catalog, or participate in a promotion. This information may include your name, shipping/billing address, telephone number, email address, credit card information, product purchases, birth date, gender, occupation, personal interests, and other similar personal or preference data that you provide to us. It may also include information you submit about other people such as the name and address of a gift recipient. Whether or not you provide such information to us is completely your own choice.

How We Use Your Information

We use the PII you provide for our internal purposes, such as confirming and tracking your order, subscription or registration, analyzing trends and statistics, informing you of our Products and offers, and providing you with information from and about our stores, catalogues and websites.

From time to time, we may also work with other organizations that we believe are trustworthy that offer products or services that may be of interest to you. In such instances, we might share limited information (such as your name and postal address) that we have collected from you, including PII, so that such organizations may contact you with offers that may interest you. However, we will not share your information with these organizations if you have requested that we refrain from doing so.

To serve you better, we may combine the information you give us through our Website; publicly available information; and information we receive from others. We use that combined information to enhance and personalize your experience with us, to communicate with you about our products and events that may be of interest to you, and for other promotional purposes.

Also, we may contract with third-party service providers to provide certain services for our business, such as credit card processing, computer system services, shipping, data management, or promotional services. We provide the information needed for these service providers to perform these services. The information we provide may include some of your PII. However, these service providers are not authorized to use any of the information we share with them for any purposes other than to provide services to us.

We may also share information that we have collected with governmental agencies and other organizations assisting us in fraud prevention or for investigative purposes. We may do so when permitted or mandated by law; trying to protect against or prevent fraud; attempting to prevent unauthorized or improper transactions; or investigating fraud or improper conduct that has already taken place. In these instances, the information is not provided to these agencies or organizations for marketing or any other unrelated purposes.

Additionally, we may share your email address, name, telephone number, and postal address within the Go World family of businesses. Also, when you purchase from us through our Websites we may need to contact you via phone, email, or mail to address issues specific to your order, even if you have opted to not receive communications from us.

From time to time we may also market certain third-party services through our Website. Should you choose to accept an offer from a third-party, we will pass your relevant PII, including your name, postal address, credit/debit card number and any other required billing information to that specific third-party.

Finally, if some or all of the business assets of any our company are sold or transferred, we generally would transfer the corresponding information regarding our customers and visitors to the purchaser. We also may retain a copy of that information.

Changing Your Information

You may change your PII at any time using facilities found on our Website, including removing yourself from mailing lists. If at any time you need assistance, just send us an email or customer service request form with your request.

Opting Out of Sharing Information

You can always opt out of future unaffiliated third-party disclosures of your information. Such opt-out will not affect disclosures otherwise permitted by law including but not limited to: (i) disclosures to affiliates, (ii) disclosures to third-party service providers who provide certain services for our business, such as credit card processing, computer system services, shipping, data management, or promotional services, (iii) disclosures to third parties as necessary to fulfill your requests, (iv) disclosures to governmental agencies or law enforcement departments or otherwise required to be made under applicable law, (v) previously completed disclosures to third parties, or (vi) disclosures to third parties in connection with subsequent contests or promotions you may choose to enter, or third-party offers you may choose to accept.

Protecting Your Child’s Privacy

Our Website is generally not designed for use by anyone under the age of fourteen (14), though we realize children may want to access our Website and purchase Products from it. Parents or legal guardians must first grant permission before we would allow anyone under the age of 14 to use our Website and thereby collect information about such a person. We cannot sell Products to anyone under 14, so you will need to get your parent or legal guardian to provide payment information. Parents or legal guardians may send inquiries related to the company's privacy policy to us. At any time, parents or legal guardians may request that their child's personal information be deleted or that we no longer collect this information. Please note that we will need to verify the identity of anyone requesting the information about a child to ensure that the person is in fact the child's parent or legal guardian, and that a request for us to delete all personal information about a child requires us to cancel the child's account.

Our Email Policy

You can always opt out of receipt of further email correspondence from us or affiliates. We will not sell, rent, or trade your email address to any unaffiliated third-party without your permission. You understand that email is not considered a secure form of communication. Generally, any information you disclose in an email may be viewed by hackers while such information is en route to us. As such, take care in what you disclose in any email that you send to us.

Our Security Policy

We have constructed our Website using sophisticated encryption and authentication tools to protect your PII. When we collect your PII through our Website, we encrypt it and prevent unauthorized access to it by using industry standard technologies, such as encryption software, routers and firewalls. Unfortunately, due to the vary nature of the Internet and hackers, we cannot completely guarantee that your PII is 100% protected. Once we receive your PII, we have industry standard security measures and polices that protect against the loss or misuse of your PII; again, we cannot completely guarantee against such loss or misuse. We strongly urge you to protect any password you may have for our Service and not share it with anyone. You should always log out of our Service when you are done using it, especially if you are sharing a computer with someone else or are using a public computer.

Payment Sources

You will have to provide a credit card or other payment source to purchase our Products. We use third-party billing services and HAVE NO CONTROL over these services. We use commercially reasonable efforts to make sure that your payment source information is kept STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL by using only third-party billing services that use industry-standard encryption technology to protect your payment source information from unauthorized use. However, you understand and agree that we are in no way responsible for any misuse of your payment source information.


Our Website may send a "cookie" to your computer. A cookie is a small piece of data that is sent to your browser from a web server and stored on your computer's hard drive. A cookie cannot read data off your hard disk or read cookie files created by other sites. Cookies do not damage your system. We use cookies to identify which areas of our site you have visited, so the next time you visit the site, we can better personalize the content that you see on our Website. Most browser software can be set to disable the use of Cookies. However, if you disable Cookies, you may not be able to use certain functionality on our Website correctly or at all. We never place PII in Cookies.

Web Beacons

We may also use web beacons to collect NPI about your use of our Website as well as those of our affiliates, and your use of special promotions or newsletters. The information we collect by Web Beacons allows us to statistically monitor the number of people that open our emails and why they opened our emails. Our Web Beacons are not used to track your activity outside of our Website or those of our affiliates. We do not link NPI from Web Beacons to PII without your permission.

Changes to Our Privacy Policy

As necessary to address changes in laws as well as our business practices, we may modify our Privacy Policy, in whole or in part, to address these changes. We will typically notify users by some message on our Website home page that our Privacy Policy has changed. We will also change the "Last Updated" date at the beginning of this Privacy Policy. Any changes we make to our Privacy Policy are effective as of this Last Updated date and replace any prior Privacy Policies. We encourage you to review our Privacy Policy periodically to make sure you still agree with it.

Questions About Our Privacy Policy

For any questions regarding our Privacy Policy, Contact Us.